Last night my sweet buddy Erik came over to my place with two bottles of Barefoot bubbly, and we successfully managed to distract my poor roommate from her night of quiet reading with our own drinking game (drink every time Obama says "optimism", drink every time McCain says "experience"), but after a while we just decided to drink liberally. The whole thing was pretty painful. I was excited to hear a lot more about foreign policy topics, since that was the theme for the debate, but if you watched it, you will have noticed that the topic du jour was only marginally touched. So on this, the sad day of Paul Newman's death at 83, I'd like to quote another actor-activist...
The result is another frustrating piece of American media that is at once far too polite, and at the same time, dismissive of an American public's need to know anything beyond jingoistic self-aggrandizement. - Sean Penn, via HuffPo (Read the full post)
Food for thought, or just a better way of wording my frustration...
These days, one can't turn a corner without someone pointing out the flaws in Republican Veep hopeful Sarah Palin's thought process and logic. It's a familiar echo from 2000 and 2004 when the people rallied behind a momentous outcry, "Really? THIS GUY? Really? But look at what he said..." which is when young idealists either learned or failed to learn that people vote predictably along party lines, not based on "best choice". So it does just about as much damage to point out the obvious lack of information displayed by one Gov. Sarah Palin in public, like in this interview with CBS's Katie Couric:
But it's still kind of fun.
I am loving her incredibly noncommittal vague answers, and that when asked for a more thorough explanation, she repeats her originally vague response. I love that she points out McCain's "track record of leadership" as a positive toward new regulations, even though his "track record" is proven to be anti-regulation. When pressed on the moratorium on foreclosures, she doesn't give a single actual answer, and instead opts for a long list of political buzz words (phrases that momentarily stun the listener but when looked at closer, mean nothing): "see these amendments implemented", "leadership qualities and pragmatism", "multifaceted solution", "comprehensive long-term solution". Just who preps this woman before her scheduled public appearances? I've watched enough of the West Wing to know that's an invaluable position she might consider hiring for...
For our joint masochistic pleasure, here is another clip from this interview that I just can't bear to embed: Palin shows her unwavering support for Israel... no matter what! And don't get me wrong, fellow Jews, US aide to and alliance with Israel is as important to me as it is to anyone, but where do we draw the line? When do we say, "If you're going to bring this down to good guys vs. bad guys... literally... maybe we might be better off without you pigeonholing our area of the world?"
What we really should be asking, and where we should be pointing fingers, is "who is responsible for this current economic clusterfuck we're in?" No more of this "let's find a solution together" bullshit, because that obviously has had no merit. And to McCain supporters readily pointing out his 2005 co-sponsorship of a bill for increased Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac regulation? Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, my friends, for his attempt to reform the government’s involvement in lending three years ago actually gave the institutions a free year sans regulation and the ability to further "exploit their subsidies". Last I remember, "exploit" is not a favorable phrase. Maybe they're "bad guys", and we should let clear-sighted Sarah Palin clue us in. You see, she is an expert in "bad guys"...
New citizen Fernando Torres is among the many reasons for Democratic optimism. He will cast his first vote this year, and says Obama will get it because he believes he is more in touch with the struggles of working class voters.
And then someone mentioned I dress like this anyway...
About to go check out "Boots and Beers", a fundraiser for Nebraska's amazingly handsome Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Scott Kleeb. I am going to be profusely outnumbered by boys in tight jeans but I will always take on any and all opportunity to dress up in a little plaid.
Edit: Annnnd the verdict is, the man of the hour was extremely gracious! Paul Hogarth did a great job organizing and I walked away with a few new acquaintances and some really good political gossip. I mean, so so good.
On Friday, everyone's favorite photog Luke Thomas (who sadly insists on calling me Fay, although I would be honored to share a name with a tropical storm... it seems somehow eerily fitting!) urged me to try Twitter, so I'm going to roll with it for a month and see if it has any positive or negative impact on my life.
An example of positive impact would be, perhaps Beth and I would finally become BFFs? Just kidding.
Negative would be: my social circles will collide and implode, and everyone will see through my cool exterior into the inner nerd who spends way too much time online, and will no longer want to be seen with me. Just kidding, hopefully.
Thusly, please add me on twitter and help me do this little experiment to see if yet another online gadget will motivate me to get my iPhone sooner (really, I just want to be able to sit alone in a bar with my scotch and soda and Google Reader things):
I'm not gonna lie: I play favorites like a mean teacher. While there are plenty of great campaigns this election cycle - both local and statewide (No on 4, No on 8), all very important - as well as wonderful progressive candidates, there is one who I stand behind particularly strongly, and no, folks, it's not Ross Mirkadreamy. After two years of nervous giggling and shuffling like an overdressed schoolgirl around The Beast, as of last Friday's Rickshaw Stop fundraiser, I now have a new political crush. Unfortunately he's taken, and by the impossibly elegant Karen Zapata no less, but after watching our dear John Avalos hit the dance floor and display some serious levels of funk, I was positively infatuated.
John is also one of the hardest working advocates for labor and families in San Francisco, a familiar face to anyone who's ever been to a union rally or protest against the unfair treatment of our janitors, nurses, hotel workers, neighbors, brothers and sisters.
John is also as witty as he is a good dancer, and if you managed to miss the Rickshaw Stop event, then you missed this gem:
"I thought I knew a lot about District 11... We have artists, we have writers from Latin America or known in the Latin American world, here who are just pushing a broom in San Francisco. We have musicians, we have youth activists, we have incredible teachers, the most incredible people. And we also have foreign policy experience in District 11, because believe it or not, we can see the top of the hill of Daly City from our houses!"
If previous electoral cycles have made you politically cynical whatsoever, please pay attention to John's run for Supervisor in District 11... it's bound to be an inspiring campaign and an even sweeter victory. Better yet, sign up to volunteer and DONATE TO THE CAMPAIGN (any amount makes a difference, and if you are a San Francisco resident, your contributions are matched 100% by Public Financing!)
A while ago one of my very good friends enlisted. He's now gone through boot camp and is starting officer candidacy school. Let's all appreciate his handsome mug.
Took a brief blogging hiatus to catch up on real life, friends coming back to SF for the holidays, a whole lot of beach time, surfing, and transitioning into my role as an SFWPC Board of Directors member. But now I'm back and I have a lot of catching up to do.
While my smarter econ-savvy friends are paying attention to important Dow-related news, I've been obsessively following hurricane coverage although I don't have much of a personal connection to our glorious South, mostly, I'll admit, because Anderson Cooper broadcasts from thigh-deep floodwater in fly fishing pants (at one point, a lost golden retriever ran/swam up to him, wagging his tail excitedly, and the two bonded... further proof that all creatures big and small love Anderson).
Here's a great article of very moving personal accounts from the scene, which include a docile lion. Can't go wrong with a docile lion. And a guy who said this:
"I drink beer and chase women, gamble, cuss," Jones said. "You can't call that religion. I'm either too good, the devil won't have me, or I'm so bad the Good Lord won't take me. That's a good toss-up."